Tuesday, 21 February 2017

Singing is the rhythm of happiness

singing is an art. which make us  refresh as well as exercise 
to be well being,healthy and relaxed.

Singing is something which makes sensation in nerves as we
get attracted towards the music to be listen and go ahead of this
as relaxation and satisfaction comes as ultimate pleasure.

In today's life, where life is overrun by much stress, over crowded population and fast running lifestyle.I think singing is 
much sufficient exercise to refresh out from stress.it's doesn't 
matter how you sing? how the other sing. if something 
mattered that is how you learn to let's the thing go ,which you
have no control that's the singing speak to you . you can't 
control everything. there are no. of reason why we get upset,
why we don't able to free ourselves.when
singer starts to sing he leaves the things whatever happens 
or whatever people's perception. his intensity is only to give his best 
 as what's he want's to speak and when the things
come out. it comes to feel happiness,satisfaction and relaxation 
in audience as well as crew slide.

In similar manner we can also have to learn the things let's 
go as going,don't supersadedd as to change the things .
enjoy as present full fill the today's requirement and not take 
much burden about each and every 
things. so, i let's singing is rhythm of happiness and every one 
have to sing at least once a day to make yourself easier, relaxed and likable everything which best for both healthy as well as career point of view .

So , starts sing at least once a day to make everything 
full of happiness

written by:- ranjeet kumar 

Edited by:- vikash kumar 

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